Use student work to improve teaching and learning

Calculicious- Illuminating Standards Video

A short film about 12th graders translating mathematics into art, celebrating the beauty of both fields. 


What would work look like if it met standards, beautifully?

Models of Excellence: Ron Berger Explores What Standards Really Look Like

In this post featured on Education Week's Learning Deeply blog, Ron Berger, Chief Academic Officer at EL, explores what it means to meet educational standards with beautiful, quality student work.


Complexity, Craftsmanship, Authenticity

Attributes of High Quality Work

This document presents EL Education's three dimensions of quality work: Complexity, Craftsmanship and Authenticity.


Six Words
Six-Word Memoir Self-Portraits - Illuminating Standards Video

According to education researcher, Camille Farrington (2013), a strong correlation exists between success in school and students having these four academic mindsets: 1) I belong in this academic community; 2) I can succeed at this; 3) My ability and competence grow with my effort; and 4) This wor


Inspiring Excellence Video Series
Inspiring Excellence Video Series

Visit a remarkable classroom of high-quality work.
See the "Austin's Butterfly" effect in action.
Learn how to support excellence.


Knowledge and Skills, Character, High-Quality Work

Dimensions of Student Achievement

El Education pursues an expanded, three-dimensional view of student achievement including mastery of knowledge and skills, character, and high-quality work.


Iconic- Illuminating Standards Video

Short film about student authors publishing a beautiful book that includes thoughtful essays on their heroes and heroines alongside self-portraits.  


Original Physics Experiments: Illuminating Standards Video

In science classrooms across the country students are given experiments to perform; they are told what to observe and how to collect data. Even though learners may be having fun in their science classes, are they truly developing essential scientific thinking skills?


An Ethic of Excellence: Building a Culture of Craftsmanship with Students

This book is guided by a passion for quality and contains specific strategies for achieving excellence. 

