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Algebra II Winter Wonderland

School: Capital City Public Charter School

City/State: Washington, DC

Grade(s): 10, 11

Project Overview

10th and 11th grade students in Algebra 2 at Capital City Public Charter School spent a month learning about what a function is, how to represent functions graphically, and how to transform their functions on a graph. As their cumulative project, students used Desmos, an online graphing calculator, and their knowledge of function transformations, to create a Winter Wonderland art piece. Students had the choice of creating a snow globe or a snowflake piece that incorporated at least six different functions and various types of transformations including reflections, dilations, and translations. They began with a labeled sketch of their drawing with the functions they would use for each aspect of their piece, after which they were paired with a peer to review their work. Once their peer review was complete, students began creating their functions on Desmos. Based on this online rendition of their piece, students created a physical product. Some created 3-D snow globes, others, construction paper models. This project incorporated students' creativity, mathematical skills, and artistic ability to create a visually appealing art piece through a mathematical graphing calculator.


Student Final Product

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