Buckle Up
School: High School for Recording Arts
City/State: St. Paul, MN
Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
Format(s): Video: PSA
Subject(s): Health and Wellness, Performing Arts
Project Overview
This public service music video is a compelling product of student-powered learning. Answering an authentic need for a public music video (PMV) for State Farm to use in their awareness campaign, students worked to create an entire album of songs around the importance of wearing a seatbelt. Students also worked to pass the primary seatbelt law in their state.
HSRA is a project-based, public charter school that operates within and around a professional recording studio. Students earn time in the studio by completing academic projects in the core learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. Projects include an authentic audience, stem from students self-identified passions, and inspire students to learn about real-world issues as they create a high-quality product to increase public awareness. HSRA encourages students who may have dropped out or been pushed out from traditional schools to complete their diplomas through a love of music and the music business. The Visual Inclusion Program (VIP) puts special education students in the leadership role. VIP encourages special education students to learn about video production, visual arts, and design and to then contribute in important ways to video projects.
How This Project Can Be Useful
- Compelling model of engaging students through performing arts
- Beautiful example of students perfecting their work for an authentic audience and responding to a real social problem in their community and beyond
- Shows special education students contributing in a real way through equal and respectful assignments