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Hunt for Freedom: Washington Wolves Return

School: Summit Expeditionary Academy

City/State: Stanwood, WA

Grade(s): 3, 4, 5

Format(s): Children's book

Subject(s): English Language Arts, Science and Technology, Visual Arts

Project Overview

This book was created by grade 3-5 students at Summit Expeditionary Academy in Stanwood, Washington as part of a ten week narrative writing learning expedition called “Land of the Lost Wolves.”

Students studied wolves through works of fiction, informational texts, and a documentary. They focused primarily on the works of fiction, using close reading and group discussions to study how authors portrayed wolves as characters in literature. They then used their new understanding to write their own wolf narratives. Multiple critiques and revisions allowed students to deeply understand the writing process and to demonstrate their new knowledge of wolf behavior and vocabulary specific to the topic. The book is brightly illustrated as well.

Students also studied local wolves as packs reestablished themselves in Washington. They created a timeline for returning wolf packs and learned about the different points of view regarding the return. Copies of the book and proceeds from sales were donated to Wolf Haven International.

How This Project Can Be Useful

  • Demonstrates the impact of professionally produced student work
  • Appealing product in part because of the vibrancy of the colors used in the drawings – highlights the difference high quality materials can make
  • Shows an engaging layout, with student illustration accompanied by text
  • Highlights a product with very strong aesthetic quality – the illustrations are carefully done and are very engaging
  • Highlights a product that engages students in local environmental problems
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