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What Bird Am I?

School: Capital City Public Charter School

City/State: Washington, DC

Grade(s): 3

Format(s): Field guide: Natural science

Subject(s): English Language Arts, Science and Technology

Project Overview

This field guide features the frequently seen bird species of Rock Creek Park. The guide is formatted by first providing clues about the species, then revealing the species on the following page. Field marks and interesting facts about the birds are included. All text and scientific illustrations were created by the third-grade naturalists of CCPCS in Winter 2013.

The work was published in a spiral-bound book and the class is currently working with the National Park Service to have the book become a part of their resource section at the Rock Creek Park Nature Center.

How This Project Can Be Useful

  • Shows carefully written entries, which are detailed and accurate. The written physical description of the birds matches the students’ drawings.
  • The final product is cleanly designed attractive to the eye.
  • Highlights an example of an interdisciplinary writing/art/science project.
  • A unique format to present information which could be used with multiple subject matter

Relevant Resources

Common Core State Standards

Standard Long Term Learning Target
  • I can describe steps in a procedure, in the order they should happen.
  • I can write an informative/explanatory text.
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