Life Cycle of a Butterfly
School: ANSER Charter School
City/State: Boise, ID
Grade(s): 1
Format(s): Book: Nonfiction/Informational
Subject(s): English Language Arts, Science and Technology
Type(s): Informative/Explanatory
Writing Assignment Description
This work comes from a science expedition focusing on the life cycle of the butterfly and the symbiotic relationship between flowers and butterflies. As students were raising Painted Lady butterflies, the teachers wanted to integrate more literacy into the expedition by having them research butterflies in general. The product for this case study was to have the students each write their own informative book about butterflies.
How This Writing Can Be Useful
- Integrates sophisticated scientific vocabulary to inform readers about the life cycle of the butterfly
- Uses details, facts, and definitions to develop a topic in an engaging way
- The downloadable resources reveal how to scaffold the revision and editing process with young readers and writers