Interdisciplinary projects that live beyond the classroom

Ikezasso(Ikebana with weeds)



Country: Japan

Senate Expedition


6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Writing with evidence is an important skill for students to learn, but how often do they use mathematics as evidence?

Chicago Water Quality Report


7, 8

During the 2022-2023 school year, seventh and eighth grade students at Polaris Charter Academy focused on learning physics and chemistry through multiple lenses.

A Hero's Journey



A Hero’s Journey is a collection of collaborative student writing. This student writing is reflective of the grade 6 learning expedition titled, Building Community.

Hidden Figures of Science Films


6, 7

Sixth-grade students at Glenwood Springs Middle School read the Module 4 EL ELA 6th Grade text Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly while learning about the civil rights movement and the importance of analyzing multiple perspectives through history - before enhancing the performance task.

Rainforest Adventure eBook



This eBook was created as the final performance task in the Biodiversity of the Rainforest expedition.

Out of the Margins


K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Out of the Margins is a project inspired and driven by our students. Year after year, as students read. Esperanza Rising, and learn about human rights, they listen to stories of people who had to struggle to be seen in this world. Old Sturbridge Academy is on the site of a living history museum.

Child Life in the 1830's


6, 7

The creation of the “Child Life in the 1830s” exhibit was the culminating activity of Old Sturbridge Academy’s 2021-22 Grade 6 and Grade 7 Exhibits crews.

Local Leaders of Social Change



I am the fifth grade teacher at Odyssey School of Denver. I have 27 learners in my Crew, with a wide range of reading abilities, interests, and experiences.
