Interdisciplinary projects that live beyond the classroom





These products were created by 7th-grade middle school students from Maplewood Richmond Heights Middle School. They harvest honey and beeswax from four beehives that they work to maintain.

Colorado Coralition

The Colorado Coralition


7, 8, 9, 10

Students at Polaris Expeditionary Learning School participated in coral restoration efforts on a reef in the Florida Keys and spread the message about their learning and experiences through presentations, music, and video.

Plant the Seed

Plant the Seed



A community garden project created by sixth-grade students at Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School

Be The Change

Be The Change: A State-wide Literacy Program


7, 8

Seventh and eighth grade students at Santa Fe School for the Arts and Sciences in Santa Fe, New Mexico created this book as part of a yearlong expedition called “Be the Change” with the guiding questions of “Can one person change the world?” and “Can one person make a difference?” 

Mobility Device

Mobility Device


7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

NuVu students Noah Grunebaum, Stefano Pagani, Amit Nir and Mohammad Sayed participated in a studio called “Easing Cerebral Palsy.” In this studio students were challenged to design a device that would increase mobility for children with Cerebral Palsy, particularly for low-income users in under-r

Shared Space

A Shared Space: Biodiversity and the Tijuana River Watershed



Seventh grade students at High Tech Middle Chula Vista created this book to discover and document the diversity of living organisms seen daily around their school.


Arte Para Todos


7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

NuVu students Seth Isaacson, Joshua Brancazio, Oliver Geller and Alea Laidlaw participated in the Easing Cerebral Palsy Design Studio, a two-week session focused on designing products that ease the lives of children with Cerebral Palsy and their caregivers.

Even Though I Got Nothing, I Got Myself

Even Though I Got Nothing, I Got Myself


7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

As part of the studio Rich Narratives, NuVu students learned foundational documentary filmmaking skills in order to transform everyday material into powerful stories.

Humans of Cambridge

Humans of Cambridge


7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Nuvu students in the Cinemagraph studio learned how to create their own cinemagraphs—digital photos that include a subtle and looped movement.
