These projects were created by tenth grade students at Harborside Academy in Kenosha, Wisconsin as part of a learning expedition called World of Conflict.
Junior High students at Anser Charter School in Boise, Idaho co-authored this book of poetry with their refugee partners from the Hillside Junior High as part of a larger project to understand the growing population of refugees in Boise.
This student-created magazine was the result of a trimester’s learning about food systems. Fueled by their own personal “fierce wondering,” students became experts about their topic and supported one another through the researching and writing process.
As part of their Clothes topic, Kindergarten students at St. Paul's School organized a fashion show to be their end of year presentation to the school community. Outfits were completely done by the pupils from beginning to end.
The entire student crew at Arbor Vitae Woodruff Elementary School in northern Wisconsin participated in the creation of Design Principle posters for the school’s commons.
As part of a study called Crossing Borders, fourth and fifth-grade teachers at Cold Spring School collaborated with IRIS (Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services), a New Haven-based non-profit organization that supports families and individuals who immigrate to or seek refuge in Connecticut.