Interdisciplinary projects that live beyond the classroom

Expedition Programs


K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Collection of programs from school exhibition nights that feature student work



9, 10, 11, 12

Activity book as part of a study of world health and malaria for teaching young students and fundraising

We Are Oakland International

We Are Oakland International


9, 10

Ninth and tenth grade students at Oakland International High School in Oakland, California created this comic book as part of an interdisciplinary project combining art, reading and literacy, and social studies.

What Bird Am I?

What Bird Am I?



This field guide features the frequently seen bird species of Rock Creek Park. The guide is formatted by first providing clues about the species, then revealing the species on the following page. Field marks and interesting facts about the birds are included.

Safety Gear

Safety Gear


9, 10, 11, 12

This public service music video is a compelling product of student-powered learning. Students did extensive field work in Canada that fueled their learning about bike safety and the rules of the road.


They Live Among Us



In this invasive species case study, students researched and participated in hands-on experiences and then communicated their knowledge of invasive species that affect their area lakes, streams, and waterways.

Achieving Equality

Achieving Equality: Student Profiles of American Changemakers


10, 11, 12

Forty students from the first integrated high school in the United States—Lowell High School in Massachusetts—sought to shed light on a few of the many men and women who have worked to create a more perfect union. They produced Achieving Equality, a book of prose and photography. 

Closing the Gap: Economic Solutions for Developing Nations

Closing the Gap: Economic Solutions for Developing Nations



AP Macroeconomics students researched developing nations to find room for growth for each country. Once the students understood their country's standing, they constructed economic plans for development.

Stories About Accessing Books Around the Globe


3, 4

For their fall 2020 expedition, the Centaur class (3rd/4th grade) took on the guiding question, “What is the power of reading?” To develop ideas and answer this question, the students researched how people around the world go to great lengths to access the power of reading.
