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Water and Math: Distance, the Pythagorean Theorem, and Scale

School: ASCEND Tk-8 School

City/State: Ascend, CA

Grade(s): 8

Subject(s): Mathematics

Project Overview

The eighth grade teaching team at ASCEND planned an interdisciplinary expedition around water. In science, students conducted water testing, in humanities they created podcasts from interviews of people’s memories associated with water, and did watercolors in art. As the math teacher, Fabiola Hernandez Martinez wanted to include math in the expedition and so created a project using the skills students learned around the Pythagorean Theorem and so students created maps based on the locations where they tested the water.


In addition to using the Pythagorean Theorem, students also had to convert units of measurement to their scaled map drawings and use scientific notations. Another of the main ideas of this project was to show how close these water sources were to ASCEND.


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