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Water Wise Billboard

School: Harborside Academy

City/State: Kenosha, WI

Grade(s): 6

Format(s): Visual arts

Subject(s): Science and Technology, Social Studies, Visual Arts

Project Overview

Sixth grade students transferred knowledge about the properties and movement of water through the Earth's hydrosphere and grappled with the content of the hydrosphere on a smaller scale: our local Root Pike Watershed. Students took a deeper look at their watershed: Lake Michigan. They focused on how they live next to 20% of the world's freshwater and how protecting this vital resource is crucial. They researched global water issues and have addressed how these issues could one day affect their own water sources.

All of this knowledge came together in creating a billboard ad aimed at educating the public on the importance of protecting our watershed, to encourage others to become “Water Wise”, and inform others of the importance of fresh water to all mankind.


This product was a result of students' knowledge from their science, social studies, and English classes. Each student went through several revisions in order to create individual ideas for a billboard. Following this process, students voted on the most influential billboard that would be presented to the Kenosha community.


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