Twelfth grade English students at High Tech High in San Diego, California created this book of poetry as they thought critically about what it means to be active, ethical, responsible, and educated global citizens.
On Tuesday, May 10th, 2016, the graduating seniors of High Tech High Media Arts presented a compelling and provocative interactive art exhibition on the current state of social, cultural, technological and ideological constructs emerging in today’s modern teenagers .
A documentary film created by the 2019 senior class covering the September Merrimack Valley Columbia Gas explosions and the natural gas industry in Massachusetts and nationally.
Twelfth grade students at High Tech High in San Diego, California used the key concept of “unfamiliar landscapes” to study how we create or alter landscapes, and how, in turn, landscapes alter us as individuals and community members.
In an “Introduction to Rhetoric” unit, Seniors at WHEELS studied various commencement and convocation speeches and wrote rhetorical analysis essays around the essential question, “How can words compel action?” Then, using a newly acquired rhetorical toolkit, students crafted motivational speeches for incoming ninth grade students at WHEELS.