Use student work to improve teaching and learning

Our Presumpscot School Community- Illuminating Standards Video

A short film on kindergarteners interviewing school staff to learn the meaning of community.



the power of models can be limitless

Catching Fire: Models of Student Work Can Spark a Chain Reaction of Deeper Learning

In this post featured on Education Week's Learning Deeply blog, Wilhelmina Peragine discusses how one exemplar EL student project inspired the creation of high quality work in two other EL schools.


Strategy: Praise, Question, Suggestion

Eighth grade students offer feedback to their peers in preparation for revising their writing.


Snakes Are Born This Way
Snakes Are Born This Way: Illuminating Standards Video

These days, it seems everyone is talking about grit, perseverance, 21st century skills, and noncognitive skills, but no one seems to be talking about courage. What does academic courage look like and what happens when students have the courage to overcome fear?


Part 4 of Inspiring Excellence: Using Models and Critiques to Create Works of Quality

Second graders engage in critique and revision to produce high quality work. 


The Concord Review
The Concord Review

The Concord Review, founded in March 1987, is a unique quarterly academic journal at the secondary level that has published over 100 issues with more than 1,000 exemplary high school history research papers by students from 44 states and 40 other countries. 


Perspectives of San Diego Bay- Illuminating Standards Video

A short film with students working as scientists and authors to create a sophisticated, professional-quality field guide. 


Chemistry & Conflict
Chemistry and Conflict: Illuminating Standards Video

The world is not discipline specific, so how come school is? Ask a chemist what her daily work looks like and you’ll find economics, writing, health, politics, design, and math are all integral parts of the work her lab does.


The Power of Protocols: An Educator's Guide to Better Practice

A book about the what, how, and why of protocols as they apply to teaching, leading, and professional development

