Models, Critique, and Descriptive Feedback - Chapter 4 of Leaders of Their Own Learning
Format(s): Book Excerpt
Topic(s): Analyze Models, Plan Instruction
Audience: Educators
This book chapter gives guidance for teachers for using exemplary student work and critique protocols to create a vision of excellence for students. It describes two different purposes of critique in the classroom. First, formal "critique lessons" for the whole class, in which model work is analyzed by the class to create shared criteria for quality work in that domain and format. Those criteria then become the basis of criteria lists and rubrics used for self, peer and teacher assessment. Second, critique for individual students: how to effectively use self and peer critique and teacher feedback to improve the quality of a particular piece of student work between drafts or rehearsals. (This chapter of LOTOL represents one of eight strategies suggested by the book to build student engagement, ownership and commitment to quality thinking and work.)