Eighth grade students at King Middle School in Portland, Maine participated in an interdisciplinary expedition to reVOLT against the current limitations imposed by our current ways of using energy.
Liam, a student in a 9th grade Math 1 class at Berkeley High School in Berkeley, California created this video to fulfill an assignment for a product that would generate and show a connection between two sequences of n
Second-grade students at Grandview Elementary in Charleston, West Virginia used a meal journal to track the foods that they ate and determined that they did not eat enough fruits and vegetables.
This project was an integration between the math and art enrichment teachers that helped students cement the concept of Pythagorean Theorem and developed their protractor and ruler skills to a high level of precision.
This project was designed to support their learning in Expedition (Module) #1: Wide World of Frogs. The project’s title is Fantastic Frog Scientific Illustrations.
Highland Creek second graders created a Pollinator Book to demonstrate their learning of the process of pollination for a plant or insect they researched. Students orally presented their projects to first-grade students. At home, students created a visual to support their research book.