Interdisciplinary projects that live beyond the classroom

Food for Thought



Sixth grade students at High Tech Middle Chula Vista in San Diego, California created this cookbook as part of a project focused on why and how to make healthy food choices.

Frogs and Toads

Frog and Toad Tales



Over the course of a six-week period, third-grade students at Eanes Elementary in Austin, Texas deeply explored the genres of informational and narrative nonfiction.

Coded Structures, Decoded Identities

Coded Structures, Decoded Identities



During the fall semester of 2015, the HTHMA 12th grade students in Digital Arts, English, and Mathematics investigated the complexities of man-made structures found in urban/rural design and architecture.

Wooden Spoons

Wooden Spoons


9, 10, 11, 12

In the fall project for the 2015-2016 school year, high school students painstakingly designed, carved, and finished individual spoons or eating utensils that represented their family or personal identity.

Appreciation Gallery

Appreciation Gallery



Kindergarten students built upon their knowledge of identity and community helpers by engaging in a project focused on getting to know and showing appreciation for members of the BB&N community.

Geology of California

Geology of California



Geology of California is a middle-school student product synthesizing learning from a semester-long Earth Science expedition.

The Snow is Here!


K, 1

This work was completed by a kindergartener in a K/1 multiage class. The students began planning their stories by creating a storyboard that included a draft of their main character along with character traits.

Chamber Orchestra Ensemble State Level Performance


9, 10, 11, 12

Chamber Orchestra is an after-school ensemble that meets for an hour once a week. The ensemble is come one come all (non-auditioned) open to students grades 9-12. This performance is at the State level Solo & Ensemble contest through the Wisconsin School Music Association.

A Beaver Story



Children's book about beavers and human impact; both fictional story and informational book
