Interdisciplinary projects that live beyond the classroom


"Muncie Strong" Playbill, Pledge, and Autobiographies



Second-graders at Inspire Academy studied Schools and Community for an expedition. Their guided questions included:

A Midsummer's Night Dream

A Midsummer's Night Dream



Eighth-grade students at Palouse Prairie Charter School in Moscow, Idaho created paper cut art pieces that capture the meaning and emotion of a passage from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Design Principles

Design Principle Posters


K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

The entire student crew at Arbor Vitae Woodruff Elementary School in northern Wisconsin participated in the creation of Design Principle posters for the school’s commons.

Are We There Yet?

“Are We There Yet?” Reflections on Classic and Modern Dystopia


11, 12

AP English Literature students compiled a journal of commentary and fiction focused on the dystopia genre. Students read classics such as Brave New World, Harrison Bergeron, and Animal Farm.

Bugs Tell a Story

Bugs Tell a Story: Healthy Habitats Along the Genesee River


K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

In effort to raise awareness of the state of a local river, GCCS K-5 classes developed a schoolwide expedition focusing on the health of the Genesee River in the spring of 2017.

Beauty of the Palouse

The Beauty of the Palouse



The fourth-grade crew at Palouse Prairie Charter School embarked on a four-month long journey to write a story that had not yet been told. First, students learned about basic geologic processes to understand many different ways that geology shapes our world.

Call of the Wild Northwest

Call of the Wild Northwest



In this science expedition, 3rd graders answered the guiding question, how do natural and human-made elements impact wildlife in the Northwest?

A Day in the Life of an Animal

A Day in the Life of an Animal


3, 4

This book was created by the Centaurs (third / fourth graders) at Santa Fe School for the Arts & Sciences as the culminating project of an expedition that asked the question, “How do animals survive?” 

Don't Vote Don't Complain

Don't Vote, Don't Complain



Fourth graders at Centennial Elementary, A School for Expeditionary Learning, studied voting rights and responsibilities and the history of the women’s suffrage movement. They analyzed Susan B. Anthony's characteristics as a leader and explored how leaders of change make a difference.
