Interdisciplinary projects that live beyond the classroom

Home of Collette Brule – Floors 1 and 2


5, 6

Scale architectural blueprints of a home for a fictional character, critiqued by professional architects

Unfamiliar Landscapes

Unfamiliar Landscapes: The Project



Twelfth grade students at High Tech High in San Diego, California used the key concept of “unfamiliar landscapes” to study how we create or alter landscapes, and how, in turn, landscapes alter us as individuals and community members.

Skills Vest

The Skills Vest


7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Students studied challenges people with Cerebral Palsy face—specifically, how people with Cerebral Palsy have trouble controlling/practicing their fine motor skills. Because of this, everyday clothing that contains zippers and buttons are difficult to put on.

Vernal Pool Life Posters


9, 10, 11, 12

Informational posters on vernal pools created over several years by multiple groups of students

A Field Guide to East Bog Swamp



Micro-field guide to a 3 foot by 3 foot plot of land

San Diego Bay Calendar 2007


9, 10, 11, 12

Calendar featuring different aspects of the natural or cultural history of the San Diego Bay

Mobility Device

Mobility Device


7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

NuVu students Noah Grunebaum, Stefano Pagani, Amit Nir and Mohammad Sayed participated in a studio called “Easing Cerebral Palsy.” In this studio students were challenged to design a device that would increase mobility for children with Cerebral Palsy, particularly for low-income users in under-r

Black History Geometric Portraits

Black History Geometric Portraits



Knowing the past opens doors to our future. Students created geometric portraits based on a hero of African descent. After researching their hero, students picked a quote from their hero and used that as a base to create a silhouette for their geometric and monochrome portrait.

E2 River Scientist Study


5, 6

Interviews with scientists involved in studying the health of local rivers, streams and wetlands
