Use student work to improve teaching and learning

The Concord Review
The Concord Review

The Concord Review, founded in March 1987, is a unique quarterly academic journal at the secondary level that has published over 100 issues with more than 1,000 exemplary high school history research papers by students from 44 states and 40 other countries. 


Critique Lesson
The Role of the Teacher in a Critique Lesson

Five key pieces of advice for teachers when facilitating a critique lesson.


the power of models can be limitless

Catching Fire: Models of Student Work Can Spark a Chain Reaction of Deeper Learning

In this post featured on Education Week's Learning Deeply blog, Wilhelmina Peragine discusses how one exemplar EL student project inspired the creation of high quality work in two other EL schools.


Austin's Butterfly

This video features an elementary school project that illuminates the power of critique and multiple drafts. 


A Group Critique Lesson- Models, Critique, and Descriptive Feedback

Third graders use a piece of Student Writing as a model to identify criteria for a quality story.


Models, Critique, and Descriptive Feedback - Chapter 4 of Leaders of Their Own Learning

Guidance for teachers for using exemplary student work and critique protocols to create a vision of excellence for students.
