Use student work to improve teaching and learning

Kindergartners as Experts

Kindergartners celebrate their learning from a year-long study of birds. 


Analyze alignment of lessons and curriculum with Common Core

EQuiP Student Work Protocol

This protocol uses student work to check for alignment of lessons and curriculum with standards.


School as a Living Museum

High Tech High displays beautiful, high-quality student work throughout the school


The Power of Protocols: An Educator's Guide to Better Practice

A book about the what, how, and why of protocols as they apply to teaching, leading, and professional development


Strategy: Praise, Question, Suggestion

Eighth grade students offer feedback to their peers in preparation for revising their writing.


A Group Critique Lesson- Models, Critique, and Descriptive Feedback

Third graders use a piece of Student Writing as a model to identify criteria for a quality story.


The Facilitator's Book of Questions: Tools for Looking Together at Student and Teacher Work

This book provides guidance for using protocols when looking at student work. 


Looking Together at Student Work

This book offers resources and strategies for collaborative conversations about student work. 

