Use student work to improve teaching and learning

School as a Living Museum

High Tech High displays beautiful, high-quality student work throughout the school


the power of models can be limitless

Catching Fire: Models of Student Work Can Spark a Chain Reaction of Deeper Learning

In this post featured on Education Week's Learning Deeply blog, Wilhelmina Peragine discusses how one exemplar EL student project inspired the creation of high quality work in two other EL schools.


Analyze alignment of lessons and curriculum with Common Core

EQuiP Student Work Protocol

This protocol uses student work to check for alignment of lessons and curriculum with standards.


Kindergartners as Experts

Kindergartners celebrate their learning from a year-long study of birds. 


Models, Critique, and Descriptive Feedback - Chapter 4 of Leaders of Their Own Learning

Guidance for teachers for using exemplary student work and critique protocols to create a vision of excellence for students.


From Advertisements to Websites - Format Ideas

Examples of Product Formats

An incomplete list of format ideas - let it spark your creativity!


Master Standards While Writing for an Authentic Audience

Authentic Products Aligned to Common Core Writing Standards

A list intended to inspire options for products that reach an audience beyond the classroom and teacher.


Looking Together at Student Work

This book offers resources and strategies for collaborative conversations about student work. 


Using Learning Targets
Using Learning Targets

This excerpt from Leaders of Their Own Learning goes into greater detail about how to use learning targets over the long term, not just in daily lessons.

