Use student work to improve teaching and learning

School as a Living Museum

High Tech High displays beautiful, high-quality student work throughout the school


ReVOLT: Illuminating Standards Video

At King Middle School in Portland, Maine, 8th graders plunged into ReVolt, a 5-month, interdisciplinary expedition using design to solve a real world problem. No core academic subject was left out as the students actively engaged in multifaceted projects across classrooms.


Part 6 of Inspiring Excellence: Writing and Speaking with Power

Second graders craft narrative nonfiction and hone their presentation skills. 


Checking For Understanding
The Who, What, and Why of Checking for Understanding

This table, excerpted from Leaders of Their Own Learning, shows key teacher and student actions, and the results of those actions. related to checking for understanding.


Get Your Blues On- Illuminating Standards Video

A short film on 4th graders studying The Great Migration through the Blues, joining history with poetry, music, and visual arts. 


Get Bent
Get Bent: Illuminating Standards Video

“When life throws you a curve, sit on it.” At least this is what senior students did at High Tech High in San Diego, CA.


Analyze alignment of lessons and curriculum with Common Core

EQuiP Student Work Protocol

This protocol uses student work to check for alignment of lessons and curriculum with standards.


Mohammed and the Number Genie
Mohammed and the Number Genie: Illuminating Standards Video

What would it look like if we had a project that made students want to persevere? What even makes them want to persevere?


Revitalizing Rochester- Illuminating Standards Video

A short film about students' interdisciplinary civic project effecting real-world change in Rochester, NY.

