Use student work to improve teaching and learning
A short film about 12th graders translating mathematics into art, celebrating the beauty of both fields.
Short film about a 6th grader's creation of a realistic fictional life history that provides a deep, real-world immersion into Deaf culture.
A short film about 10th grade students using interviews, writing, and photography to showcase the courage of international refugees.
Short film about eighth grade students who project their finances 20 years into the future, connecting math standards to real-life.
A short film about students' interdisciplinary civic project effecting real-world change in Rochester, NY.
Second graders craft narrative nonfiction and hone their presentation skills.
Second graders read for evidence and code information as they prepare to write narrative nonfiction.
Second graders engage in critique and revision to produce high quality work.
Second graders are motivated to conduct independent research using texts and citing their work.