During a spring expedition, first and second-grade students learned about the symbiotic relationships between plants and animals. Students were challenged with the task of writing a five-paragraph essay about one part of a dairy cow's anatomy.
National History Day is an annual academic competition asking students to research any historical topic and apply it to a theme. This year’s theme is Exploration, Encounter, and Exchange in History.
During a spring expedition, first and second-grade students learned about the symbiotic relationships between plants and animals. As they studied these relationships, they took an in-depth look at dairy cows and their relationship to plants.
During the fall semester of 2015, the HTHMA 12th grade students in Digital Arts, English, and Mathematics investigated the complexities of man-made structures found in urban/rural design and architecture.
Third Grade students at Delaware Ridge Elementary School in Kansas City, Kansas developed and maintained detailed science notebooks as they studied five species of owls that are native to Kansas.
Students at High Tech High Media Arts School in San Diego, California took part in a project called Siteology. Siteology explores all that is a part of San Diego's cultural DNA.
Students in Lake Bluff’s MAC 1 East (multiage 1st and 2nd-grade classroom) were responsible for creating a presentation about honesty for their school wide community circle.
Eleventh and twelfth-grade students at Harborside Academy in Kenosha, Wisconsin completed this photography project with many literacy connections entirely in the Photography1 class.
Many people kill spiders because they think spiders are dangerous, scary, or gross! First graders at Two Rivers Public Charter School decided to change