Interdisciplinary projects that live beyond the classroom

Slithering Snake Stories

Slithering Snake Stories



This eBook was created by second grade students at Conservatory Lab Charter School in Boston, Massachusetts as part of a learning expedition (long-term interdisciplinary study) of snakes.

Illuminated Mathematics

Illuminated Mathematics



A curated multimedia exhibition entitled "Illuminated Mathematics" was produced by 12th-grade digital art and math classes at High Tech High in San Diego, California. Students were asked to find the beauty, humanity and intrigue behind math in history, philosophy and the applied arts.

Whooos Out There?

Whoooos Out There?"



Third Grade students at Delaware Ridge Elementary School in Kansas City, Kansas developed and maintained detailed science notebooks as they studied five species of owls that are native to Kansas.

New Beginning

New Beginning



In an “Introduction to Rhetoric” unit, Seniors at WHEELS studied various commencement and convocation speeches and wrote rhetorical analysis essays around the essential question, “How can words compel action?”  Then, using a newly acquired rhetorical toolkit, students crafted motivational speeches for incoming ninth grade students at WHEELS.

Are We There Yet?

“Are We There Yet?” Reflections on Classic and Modern Dystopia


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AP English Literature students compiled a journal of commentary and fiction focused on the dystopia genre. Students read classics such as Brave New World, Harrison Bergeron, and Animal Farm.

Our Local Endangered Frogs



Students were engaged with the guiding question, “Where are all our frogs?”. Our local frog species have been declining due to an influx of poisonous cane toads. After being introduced into Australia, cane toads had no natural predators and are now a major threat to native animals.

Local Leaders of Social Change



I am the fifth grade teacher at Odyssey School of Denver. I have 27 learners in my Crew, with a wide range of reading abilities, interests, and experiences.

In My Perfect World: An Exploration of Human Rights



Guiding Questions:

1. What are human rights and how can they be threatened?

2. How can we raise awareness of human rights?


Munjoy Hill Businesses


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Tri-fold brochure about the businesses in one neighborhood in Portland, Maine, to aid local stores
