Interdisciplinary projects that live beyond the classroom
While students were reading and discussing Margot Shetterly's book Hidden Figures, we kept a class chart while students kept an individual chart of names, locations, terms, and ideas mentioned in the book about Civil Rights.
3, 4
Instructions about how to tie knots as well as information on their origin and use, with photos
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Manual for raising chickens that includes articles, photographs, illustrations and essays
Fictional speeches written by students in the voice of real historical leaders with symbolic illustrations
Illustrations and descriptions of construction tools; part of a study of local jobs and tools used in those jobs
Field guide about snakes; created by a single student as an independent project
Field guide to the marine organisms of the intertidal zone of Casco Bay
6, 7
Note cards of the Boston Harbor Islands with illustrations and historical information
Field guide to local birds with original taxonomic categories and hand-written, kid-centered descriptions