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Interdisciplinary projects that live beyond the classroom

Mystery Bird Game

Mystery Bird Game



Students conducted fieldwork at Bear River Wildlife Refuge and along the Portneuf as part of their effort to become Ornithologists (bird experts). They researched a specific bird then wrote clues about that bird for the reader to guess.  An artistic collage served as the answer on the back. 

Save Our Water

Save Our Water



  • How does water connect our world (globally and locally)? ¿Cómo nos conecta el agua global y localmente?
  • How do humans and water impact each other? ¿Cuál es el impacto entre los seres humanos y el agua?
Ohio’s Veterans: Our True American Heroes

Ohio’s Veterans: Our True American Heroes



  • What makes someone a hero?
  • How have wars changed our world?
  • How can a personal story impact the world?
Closing the Gap: Economic Solutions for Developing Nations

Closing the Gap: Economic Solutions for Developing Nations



AP Macroeconomics students researched developing nations to find room for growth for each country. Once the students understood their country's standing, they constructed economic plans for development.

Black History Geometric Portraits

Black History Geometric Portraits



Knowing the past opens doors to our future. Students created geometric portraits based on a hero of African descent. After researching their hero, students picked a quote from their hero and used that as a base to create a silhouette for their geometric and monochrome portrait.

Being Haudenosaunee Then and Now

Being Haudenosaunee Then and Now



"Who were the first people to live where we live now?” That’s the question that kicked off the expedition and led first graders to study the early Haudenosaunee – the “People of the Longhouse.” Students learned more about how these early woodland people relied on natural resources for food, shelt

Toy Tags



The Kindergarten class at Detroit Achievement Academy completed a three-month long expedition on toys and play to begin the year.

Blades of Change

Blades of Change



Blades of Change is a documentary film that was written, filmed, directed and edited by the senior class of 2018 as the product of an interdisciplinary expedition on energy. 

Impounded Identity: Reflections on an American Concentration Camp


7, 8

  • What impacts identity?
  • Why remember?
  • What empowers us to resist injustice?
