Interdisciplinary projects that live beyond the classroom

Motive and Motif

Motive and Motif



Twelfth-grade art and literature students at High Tech High in San Diego, California visited the San Diego Museum of Art to study different artists. Each student selected a painting and researched the artist’s motive for creating the work and the motifs that inspired them.

If You Find a Rock

If You Find A Rock...



Throughout a 12-week expedition on the geology of the Genesee River, 4th graders at the Genesee Community Charter School in Rochester, New York focused on the questions: "How has the area we live in been shaped over time?" "How do scientists know that the earth has changed over time?" What might

Shifting Gears

Shifting Gears: Promoting Rochester's Two-Wheeled Revolution



Using the bicycle as a lens for a year-long focus, sixth grade students at the Genesee Community Charter School in Rochester, New York learned how they can make a difference in their own community by engaging in community activism. 

Colorado Fish

Colorado Fish Field Guide Poster


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First and second-grade students at the Pikes Peak School of Expeditionary Learning in Falcon, Colorado researched specific freshwater fish within the Colorado area. They investigated and wrote about their habitats, their feeding habits, and their physical adaptations.

Appalachian Storybank

The Appalachian Journey Storybank Project



Eighth grade students at Evergreen Community Charter School in Asheville, North Carolina participated in an expedition called The Appalachian Journey where students investigated the history of southern Appalachia to describe, as historians do, the relationship between the Scotch Irish settlers of


¡Bienvenidos a Meadow Glen Middle School!


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Spanish Novice B3 classes at Meadow Glen Middle School in Lexington, South Carolina, participated in the eighth-grade expedition with the Spanish Case Study, "New? How Can I Help You?"

March to Equality

March to Equality


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Students from The Northwest Opportunities Vocational Academy (NOVA) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin created the March to Equality exhibition in collaboration with Arts @ Large, Kid Curators, LLC, and numerous community partners.

Somewhere in the Park



Children's book featuring what happens in a local park through simple text and ripped-paper collage

Unlocking Change

UnLOCKing Change: One Invention at a Time



As part of a yearlong study of public art, sixth grade students at Genesee Community Charter School in Rochester, New York learned about the importance of water in the development of civilization.
