A documentary film created by the 2019 senior class covering the September Merrimack Valley Columbia Gas explosions and the natural gas industry in Massachusetts and nationally.
AP Macroeconomics students researched developing nations to find room for growth for each country. Once the students understood their country's standing, they constructed economic plans for development.
Blades of Change is a documentary film that was written, filmed, directed and edited by the senior class of 2018 as the product of an interdisciplinary expedition on energy.
Forty students from the first integrated high school in the United States—Lowell High School in Massachusetts—sought to shed light on a few of the many men and women who have worked to create a more perfect union. They produced Achieving Equality, a book of prose and photography.
U.S. History students explored the journeys of immigrants who came to these shores early in the 20th century. They listened to accounts from Ellis Island and examined Emma Lazarus’s inscription on the Statue of Liberty.
AP English Literature students compiled a journal of commentary and fiction focused on the dystopia genre. Students read classics such as Brave New World, Harrison Bergeron, and Animal Farm.
This project is the culmination of a one-semester AP US Government and Politics class, consisting of seventeen seniors at MELS. Earlier in the year government students investigated fake news in order to develop critical reading skills to assess credibility and reliability of sources.
Twenty-four students from the first integrated high school in the United States—Lowell High School in Massachusetts—set out to understand the meaning of diversity and equity in America today as part of a upper-class seminar on Diversity in America.