In an “Introduction to Rhetoric” unit, Seniors at WHEELS studied various commencement and convocation speeches and wrote rhetorical analysis essays around the essential question, “How can words compel action?” Then, using a newly acquired rhetorical toolkit, students crafted motivational speeches for incoming ninth grade students at WHEELS.
As part of the studio, “Hacking Wheelchairs for Urbanity” NuVu students were tasked with improving the wheelchair by accessorizing it as opposed to redesigning the chair itself. Part of this challenge was also affordability, as many current technologies are costly.
Twenty-four students from the first integrated high school in the United States—Lowell High School in Massachusetts—set out to understand the meaning of diversity and equity in America today as part of a upper-class seminar on Diversity in America.
Eleventh grade students at High Tech Media Arts in San Diego, California used professional-level writing, editing, and publishing methods to produce literary works for a wide range of audiences. This children’s book is one of the works produced by a student to address the topic of popularity.
This public service music video is a compelling product of student-powered learning. Students did extensive field work that fueled their learning about the environment, pollution, and advocacy for change.
THE HOLOCAUST: A Human Tapestry of Voices in History is inspired by and follows the pedagogical philosophy of Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Centre in Jerusalem, Israel, and is a product of my experiences during the Gandel Holocaust Studies Program for Australian Educators at Yad Vashem,