Centennial Elementary’s 4th and 5th crews did research on extreme weather as part of their expedition on The Impact of Natural Disasters. Students localized the expedition by focusing on how global warming is increasing the consistency and amount of extreme weather incidents.
Using the novel Fahrenheit 451 and various informational texts, students addressed the guiding question—Has Ray Bradbury’s vision of the future come to fruition?
Third grade students from the Alice B. Beal Elementary School in Springfield, Massachusetts created this book as part of a learning expedition on colonial history.
National History Day is an annual academic competition asking students to research any historical topic and apply it to a theme. This year’s theme is Exploration, Encounter, and Exchange in History.
Fifth and sixth graders from the Shutesbury Elementary School in Shutesbury, Massachusetts prepared this report on the quality of well water within the town as part of a year-long expedition on water resources.
Tenth-grade students at the Springfield Renaissance School in Springfield, Massachusetts, as part of their English Language Arts class, created This I Believe essays.
Tenth-grade students at the Springfield Renaissance School in Springfield, Massachusetts, as part of their English Language Arts class, created This I Believe essays.
Third grade students at the Genesee Community Charter School in Rochester, New York created a natural and cultural field guide as part of a learning expedition on local history.