Interdisciplinary projects that live beyond the classroom

All About Animals



Students used the writing process to research animals and its habitat. During the writing process, students illustrated, labeled and wrote about their animal through multiple drafts.

Bug Research Trading Cards



Each second-grade student chose an insect to research. Students completed 6 research questions in order to become experts on their insect. Using the knowledge gained during their research, students were asked to make a "Gettin' Buggy" trading card.

Pollinator Research Books



Highland Creek second graders created a Pollinator Book to demonstrate their learning of the process of pollination for a plant or insect they researched. Students orally presented their projects to first-grade students. At home, students created a visual to support their research book.

Civil Rights A to Z from Hidden Figures



While students were reading and discussing Margot Shetterly's book Hidden Figures, we kept a class chart while students kept an individual chart of names, locations, terms, and ideas mentioned in the book about Civil Rights.

The Culture of Killer Whales



The Southern Resident killer whales were the primary population of orcas targeted by commercial aquaria in the late 1960s and 1970s. As a result, the population was decimated and has yet to recover.

Todos somos artistas (We Are All Artists)



This project was done by 8th grade Spanish and French students. In class, students learned about three Spanish-speaking and French-speaking artists via readings, discussions, and gallery walks.




The expedition focused on myth understandings, which were focused on the relationship between scientific astronomical phenomena, such as day and night, eclipses, sunrises, and sunsets, and explanations of those concepts throughout history in the form of myths.

Locomotive Drawings


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As an additional art piece to enhance the learning of our "I've Been Working on the Railroad,” an in-depth Expedition of the Transcontinental Railroad, our 2nd and 3rd grade students at Sierra Expeditionary Learning School created a detailed line drawing of a locomotive using basic lines and shap

OWL Phenology Calendar



Seventh-grade Open World Learning Community (OWL) students explore the guiding question, “What makes a community thrive or suffer?” in their year-long interdisciplinary Community Expedition. Fall field work in local nature centers kicks off each school year.
