It's Wednesday in December



Twelfth grade English students at High Tech High in San Diego, California created this book of poetry as they thought critically about what it means to be active, ethical, responsible, and educated global citizens.

the life of a community follows a plot

A Little More Than Just People: Juanita Nelson



Eighth grade students from the Four Rivers Charter School, in Greenfield, Massachusetts, created a book of “monologues of community cultivators.” Students studied people from their community, who both through their vocation or avocation, worked on behalf of their local communities and “gave back”

Slithering Snake Stories

Slithering Snake Stories



This eBook was created by second grade students at Conservatory Lab Charter School in Boston, Massachusetts as part of a learning expedition (long-term interdisciplinary study) of snakes.

Knowledge and Skills, Character, High-Quality Work

Dimensions of Student Achievement

El Education pursues an expanded, three-dimensional view of student achievement including mastery of knowledge and skills, character, and high-quality work.


Models, Critique, and Descriptive Feedback - Chapter 4 of Leaders of Their Own Learning

Guidance for teachers for using exemplary student work and critique protocols to create a vision of excellence for students.


How is this video striking or inspiring?

Protocol for Watching Illuminating Standards Videos

Use this protocol with the Illuminating Standards videos to promote thoughtful conversation.



What is striking and inspiring about this piece of work?

Protocol for Using Student Work to Improve Teaching and Learning

Use this protocol with projects or writing collections to promote observation and conversation. 


This court is in session for the case of bear vs. raccoon.

Panda Classification Comic Strip



After learning about DNA, students had to explain if the giant panda was a closer relative to bears or to raccoons by creating a comic strip.

she was involved in her community, but didn't realize it

Small Acts of Courage



Students created a set of four books based on interviews with unsung local civil rights heroes as part of a learning expedition on civil rights. 

When the sun passes through a thicker layer of atmosphere we see colors at sunrise and sunset

What's Up?



This book was written  as part of a three-month learning expedition on astronomy. It was written to help introduce other students to these topics.

The jaws are adjustable to make sure they can meet around the bolt.

Our Book of Tools



This product was part of a learning expedition on tools, in which students learned to identify tools and their uses and learned about the wider world through the study of tools.

Kindergartners as Experts

Kindergartners celebrate their learning from a year-long study of birds. 

