Field guide to local birds with original taxonomic categories and hand-written, kid-centered descriptions
Bilingual Hawaiian/English illustrated children's book to help support learning of Hawaiian culture
Posters with information on pond species to be displayed outdoors as interpretive signs
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Posters of postage stamps featuring invasive ocean species created by teams of students
Self-portraits of all the students in one class displayed on a poster, supported by peer critiques
Alphabet poster combining formal lettering with student drawings, supported by peer critiques
Data report of city-wide survey as part of campaign to rewater Erie Canal in Rochester, NY
Illustrated book on mastodons with support from a paleontologist
Historical/environmental guide to Rochester, NY with a focus on the flour and flower industries
Calendar with interviews with young immigrants in a local community
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Guide to adolescence - physical, social and emotional changes; done with medical school experts
Field guide to local ocean animals, informed by research at the ocean next to the school