Ninth and tenth grade students at Oakland International High School in Oakland, California created this comic book as part of an interdisciplinary project combining art, reading and literacy, and social studies.
This field guide features the frequently seen bird species of Rock Creek Park. The guide is formatted by first providing clues about the species, then revealing the species on the following page. Field marks and interesting facts about the birds are included.
This public service music video is a compelling product of student-powered learning. Students did extensive field work in Canada that fueled their learning about bike safety and the rules of the road.
This project is the culmination of a one-semester AP US Government and Politics class, consisting of seventeen seniors at MELS. Earlier in the year government students investigated fake news in order to develop critical reading skills to assess credibility and reliability of sources.
AP Macroeconomics students researched developing nations to find room for growth for each country. Once the students understood their country's standing, they constructed economic plans for development.