Walk of the Planets



In this science expedition, 3rd graders answered the guiding question: What is our place in space?

The Choice to Serve

The Choice to Serve



Meadow Glen Middle School has a student population of approximately 1,100 students and around 370 seventh-grade students worked together to produce this magazine.

Bugs Tell a Story

Bugs Tell a Story: Healthy Habitats Along the Genesee River


K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

In effort to raise awareness of the state of a local river, GCCS K-5 classes developed a schoolwide expedition focusing on the health of the Genesee River in the spring of 2017.

Beauty of the Palouse

The Beauty of the Palouse



The fourth-grade crew at Palouse Prairie Charter School embarked on a four-month long journey to write a story that had not yet been told. First, students learned about basic geologic processes to understand many different ways that geology shapes our world.

Call of the Wild Northwest

Call of the Wild Northwest



In this science expedition, 3rd graders answered the guiding question, how do natural and human-made elements impact wildlife in the Northwest?

A Day in the Life of an Animal

A Day in the Life of an Animal


3, 4

This book was created by the Centaurs (third / fourth graders) at Santa Fe School for the Arts & Sciences as the culminating project of an expedition that asked the question, “How do animals survive?” 

Inch By Inch

Inch by Inch, Row by Row, How does my Garden Grow?



The Kindergarten Crew focused on plants during their Spring Expedition. The Spring Expedition included two case studies with three guiding questions:

Getting to Know H2O

Getting to Know H20


1, 2

First and 2nd-grade crews at Palouse Prairie Charter School dove into a study of water. They learned about the states of matter and made connections to the different properties of water.  They conducted experiments to observe how temperature causes matter to change forms.

Bird is the Word

Bird is the Word



In the spring of 2017 the students on the 7 Green Team at Oak Middle School in Shrewsbury, MA partnered with the Mass Audubon Society at Broad Meadow Brook to create field guide materials for their annual fundraising event called the “Bird-a-Thon".

The 6th Mass Extinction

Raising Awareness - The 6th Mass Extinction



The 5th-grade crew at  Palouse Prairie Charter School explored the 6th Mass Extinction—the possibility that we are on the verge of having 75% or more of the species on our planet go extinct within a relatively short period of time.
