Writing distinguished by voice, imagination, and impact

Shakespeare was a poet and a playwright but it seems to me that he was also a scientist.

Bees and Shakespeare Essay



During a parallel study of the American Revolution and the life of bees, students read Shakespeare's Henry V. Students analyzed a speech from the play to assess the accuracy of each component of his metaphor.

You can take buses, busy subways, trolleys and cars going honk honk.

Rural-Urban Opinion



Students took a stand about whether it is better to live in an urban or rural community. They developed and supported their opinion to effectively persuade a reader.

she flashes her famous, toothy smile at the camera

Reflective Photo Narrative


11, 12

After reading and analyzing Don Murray’s “The Stranger in the Photo is Me”, students selected photos from their childhoods and wrote reflective pieces modeled after Murray’s.

When the chrysalis is dark it is close to turning into a butterfly.

Life Cycle of a Butterfly



This work comes from a science expedition focusing on the life cycle of the butterfly and the symbiotic relationship between flowers and butterflies.
